Part V: Rules > Metadata Field Selection Rules > Metadata Fields for Oracle UMC

Metadata Field Selection Rules

Metadata is any data that provides information about other data. For example, for an mp3 file, there is an associated id3 tag that lets you edit the artist, album title, track number, song title, year the album was released, genre, etc. That data is the metadata for the mp3 file. You can use metadata in XTRAC to add information to document attachments and existing metadata.

In XTRAC, Metadata field rules handle dynamic metadata. These rules define the first set of metadata that XTRAC Workbench displays based on a value that is specified in the initial set of metadata. XTRAC also displays this first set of metadata when an operator edits the existing metadata or when the operator associates an existing document attachment with another work item.

For example, you attach a document to a work item. The document has various properties that you can fill out, such as document name, document type, category, etc. That information is the dynamic metadata.

For the condition, you should use metadata fields in the field rules. For example, first-rule fields or above the line fields. However, you can use predefined fields. See Predefined Fields and Available Criteria.

You can set up rule conditions for custom fields. XTRAC determines the criteria available for a custom field based on the data type of the field. See Custom Fields.

XTRAC supports condition values that are specific to the selected field. For example, if you choose the Queue field , the Value field becomes a drop-down list box of all of the available queues.

You need to create a default metadata field rule so that when the trigger event occurs, XTRAC invokes the default metadata field rule (if no other metadata field rule applies). If there is not a default rule set up, the XTRAC does not recognize the event. See Default Rules

Note: If you create a Metadata Field Rule or a Metadata Field Selection Rule and associate the rules with a package, in the Package Detail window, the component name displays N/A. Because trigger rules do not have a component name, usually this field displays the rule owner. For example, the node. However, the metadata rules do not have owners, so N/A is listed as the component name.

IMPORTANT: For general XTRAC rule information, see XTRAC Rules

Metadata Fields for Oracle UMC

Metadata fields use XTRAC custom fields. However, for metadata fields to be recognized in Oracle’s UMC repository, the XTRAC field must have a leading d for pre-defined UCM fields or x for custom UMC fields character. This character lets UMC map the custom XTRAC fields to an existing custom field in Oracle.

When you create a metadata field in XTRAC, it must have a counterpart created in UMC. For example, if you create an xfield_1 XTRAC field, the same field_1 field needs to be created in UMC.

You must use the same case for both fields.

IMPORTANT: You must use the following metadata fields with every rule:

If the rule does not have all three fields attached in any combination of rules, Oracle’s UMC does not accept the document.

Metadata Fields for Documentum DMS

Metadata fields use XTRAC custom fields. However, for metadata fields to be recognized in the Documentum repository, the title of the XTRAC field must match the Documentum field name. This naming convention lets Documentum map the custom XTRAC fields to an existing field in the Documentum repository.

For metadata field rules, you must also specify the following fields:




Select a metadata field that you have created.


  • Checked: The field displays in the wizard.
  • Unchecked: The field does not display in the wizard.

Note: If you uncheck the Visible field, you must enter a default value for that field. Otherwise, an error message displays in the wizard and the attachment does not work.


  • Optional: The field does not require a value. An operator can add a value if they want to.
  • Protected: A field that an operator can view but cannot modify.
  • Required: The field must contain a value.

Note: If you mark a field protected, you must enter a default value for that field. Otherwise, an error message displays in the wizard and the attachment does not work.

Value Group

A subset of values that are available to the operator for this field.

Note: For the Subtype field, in addition to the value group that you select that determines the values that are available to operators on the work item window, this value group also determines the values that appear in the Show Fields On drop-down list box.

Value groups are supported only in UMC.

Default Value

The value that automatically displays in a field when an operator creates, updates, or resolves a work item.

Note: Because the Description field holds up to 2,000 characters, you can click the ellipsis symbol in the Default Value field. Then, in the Enter Description text box, you can more easily enter the applicable text. Click OK to close the window and save the text. Click Cancel to close the window without saving the text.

Creating a Metadata Field Selection Rule for Documentum

In Documentum, no fields are required for a Metadata Field Selection Rule. However, we do recommend that you use the title field. Otherwise, the title defaults to the name of the document as it is uploaded.

XTRAC supports values for only the following metadata fields as Custom Fields of the Character type, and they are required with every attached document:

IMPORTANT: Custom implementations of XTRAC might require other metadata fields.

Also, a default rule needs to be associated with every event type. Otherwise, Documentum does not recognize the event.

Note: To define a metadata field rule, you need the Create Metadata Selection security function as part of the security group that is associated with your operator profile.

To define a metadata field selection rule for Documentum

  1. In Feature Explorer, click Rules > Metadata Field Selection Rules.
  2. In the Metadata Field Selection Rule Summary window, click New.
  3. In the Metadata Field Selection Rule Detail window, in the Description field, type a description for the rule (up to 60 characters).
  4. Select the event that you want to use.
  5. Build the rule conditions by specifying fields, criteria, and values.

For details, see Rule Conditions and Building a Rule Condition

Note: To remove any rule condition, select it in the grid, and then click Remove. You can also click Clear.

  1. Click the Action tab.
  2. Type the fields and their attributes.

Oracle supports rule values for strings (characters), numeric fields, dates, and value groups.

Documentum supports only strings (characters).

  1. (Optional) In the Change Request ID field, type the request ID (up to 30 characters).
  2. (Optional) In the Memo field, type the reason for creating the rule (up to 60 characters).
  3. Click Save.

XTRAC saves the rule, numbers it, and appends it to the bottom of the sequence list on the Metadata Field Selection Rule Summary window.

  1. Specify the order that XTRAC executes the rules in.

See Ordering Rules.

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